DCTA has various travel tools available to help riders get where they need to go safely and with confidence! Our travel tools make riding DCTA easier, remove the guesswork and allow you to receive real-time information. Choose from a variety of mobile apps, including the globally-renowned Transit app, or get up-to-date notifications by signing up for our Rider Alerts.

& Bus Times
Transit mobile app
The Transit mobile app is a vehicle tracking system that provides DCTA passengers with access to real-time information for the A-train, Connect Bus, and University of North Texas (UNT) Campus Shuttles. Passengers can track vehicles via smartphone, online, or via text by using the free mobile application.
Download the Transit app on the Apple App Store for Apple IOS devices, or on Google Play for Android devices.
Each DCTA vehicle that contains a GPS unit can be tracked by the Transit app to provide that specific vehicle’s arrival time. The real-time information in the Transit app system is powered by Swiftly, which generates schedule data in General Transit Feed Specification R package (GTFSR) format and real-time Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) data (GPS trackers installed on agency vehicles). The Transit mobile app, web portal and homepage widget are provided by Transit (transitapp.com).
Phone (Voice)
The voice feature, powered by Swiftly, allows passengers to dial in for real-time prediction of a DCTA vehicle at a chosen stop. Passengers can call 940.243.0077, select the Transit Tracker option from the phone menu, enter the six-digit numerical Stop ID (located at each bus stop and A-train station), and receive an automated real-time update on the vehicle for that location.
The web feature, powered by Transit, enables passengers to access real-time vehicle location data from most web-enabled devices and desktop computers. Passengers can utilize the web feature or widget on DCTA’s homepage to search by address to find the nearest bus or train and its arrival time.
NOTE: Users must enter their location information in the pop-up to receive local information. Once your information is entered, your computer will remember that location for all future uses.
Passengers can receive SMS messages using the text feature of the Transit tracking service. It’s simple – just text the six-digit Stop ID number to 64255 to receive the estimated arrival time of the bus or A-train. Stop IDs can be found on bus stop signs and on the schedules at the A-train stations. Standard messaging rates apply.
Mobile Application
Real-time information for DCTA vehicles will be available through the free Transit mobile application.
Available on the App Store, or on Google Play

GORequest mobile app
Make your opinion heard with the DCTA’s GORequest mobile app that allows you to provide feedback directly to agency staff. DCTA encourages passengers to share their feedback online or with the GORequest mobile app to help enhance their experience.
Using GORequest is as easy as open, select and submit. Once your report has been submitted, it will be sent to the appropriate DCTA staff member who can directly handle the request. All requests are reviewed within one week of the submittal, direct responses are sent to the passenger and DCTA will even send you status updates along the way!
You can download the GORequest app from the App Store or Google Play, or visit our GORequest page to send your feedback. A DCTA staff member will answer your question or address your comment in a timely manner.

GoPass mobile app
The GoPass app is loaded with amazing features like checking real-time trip planning tools, integrated maps, reload with cash and no need for credit/debit card to simplify your next trip! Plan ahead and avoid the hassle of having to wait in line to purchase tickets from vending machines. You can purchase your fare straight from your mobile phone with just a click of a button!
More Information
Download the GoPass mobile application, available on the App Store for Apple IOS Devices, or on Google Play for Android devices.
How it Works
Step 1: Download the app for iPhone or Android
Step 2: Register your device within the app
Step 3: Purchase tickets
Step 4: Activate tickets
All tickets are delivered to your phone as "Not Yet Activated." You can purchase tickets up to 60 days in advance of using them. You must activate your ticket before boarding and show the ticket on your smartphone to the bus driver or fare enforcement officer when required.

Rider Alerts
Sign up for customized DCTA Rider Alerts to receive up-to-date email notifications regarding services, programs, promotions and more. Take control of your subscription and customize the types of service updates and notifications you want to receive from DCTA.
Key Features
- Flexibility: Allowing users to select specific DCTA services and routes in their subscription
- Details: Users can choose from a new, expanded topic list to meet their personal travel needs
- Customization: Offering Rider Alert delivery preferences, including instant, daily or weekly communications
- Major Service Suspension Notifications: Receive text message notifications for lengthy service suspension announcements